About Jessica Bohn
Founder & Consultant, Learning & Leading Solutions, LLC

Jessica Bohn is a national Independent Consultant and ASCD Faculty member, who has served over 17 years in education in various school and district roles:
Award-winning Principal
District Director/Curriculum Coordinator (central-office)
University Administrator
Assistant Principal
Corporate Curriculum Coordinator
4-5 years of experience at each school level – elementary, middle, and high school
Keep reading to learn about Jessica Bohn's award-winning experience and expertise, which can help you provide a safe, supportive, challenging, engaging, healthy education, or use the contact tab to request a CV.
& Writer
Facilitator & Author: Jessica is a frequent presenter at various national, state and local conferences and events, including ASCD’s EMPOWER Conference (formerly known as the Annual Conference), the Leader to Leader Institute and Indiana Youth Institute's Because Kids Count Conference, to name a few. She has authored articles in various publications. In a 2013 Educational Leadership article, 'First-Year Hurdles', Bohn described how to overcome misconceptions during the first year of the principalship. She has also authored articles in other publications, such as Education Update, ASCD Express, SmartBrief, Inservice, the Whole Child Blog, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Edition. She has been a guest on the Whole Child Podcast twice and a guest on education chats such as #edtherapy and #ASCDL2L.
Award-winning Principal
& Educator
School-Based & District Experience: Bohn was a Principal in North Carolina for five years, where she was a 2015-16 Principal of the Year Finalist & Runner-Up in the third-largest school district in North Carolina. As a Principal, Bohn took a comprehensive, Whole Child - Whole Teacher approach that resulted in sustained improvements to student achievement, reduced disciplinary infractions, and school recognitions at the national, state and local level, in the area of Character Education and Positive Behavior Intervention & Support. She partnered with the local police department and restructured safety procedures to create a unique safe-school environment substantiated by data and by the community. Examples and data from her principal experience are incorporated into her professional learning services. Bohn was selected as a Distinguished Leader in Practice, and completed the rigorous year-long principal leadership program in 2012. In 2005, as a district-level Specialist, Jessica was recognized as the district's Spotlight Employee of the Month for her work tackling equity in education.
ASCD Engagement
National & State Level Leadership: Since being identified as an ASCD Emerging Leader in 2012, Jessica Bohn has been highly engaged with ASCD, serving in roles such as: Faculty member & Consultant, Author, Presenter, Chair of ASCD’s Nominations Committee and member of other ASCD committees, such as the Position Advisory Committee and the Principal Leadership Development Committee. Currently, she serves on the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Science Fair Foundation, and has served on state panels.
Education: Bohn is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in education (Ed.D) at High Point University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She completed a Post-Masters Certification Program in School Administration at High Point University. Prior to that she earned a Master of Education (M.Ed) degree in Education from UNC Greensboro and a Bachelor degree from UNC Chapel Hill.
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